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Grassroots Reparations Sunday Conversation

  • Date: Sunday, August 21, 2022
  • Time: 11:15am12:30pm EDT
  • Location: Harter Room; Zoom

After morning worship, and as part of our ongoing participation in and learning from the
national Grassroots Reparations Campaign, we will be joining other faith communities around the country in hosting a “Reparations Sabbath” conversation after worship. Our hybrid session will include a time of spiritual grounding, resourcing and open conversation of where we are with our individual and collective commitments towards truth telling, repair and reparations. With others in this growing movement, we hope this work “lays the foundation for communities to honor the call for racial justice in America and across the globe.”

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Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 895 2526 2525, Passcode: 297889

Zoom Dial-In: +1 929 205 6099, Meeting ID: 895 2526 2525, Passcode: 297889


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