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Service of Ordination for Lexi Boudreaux

  • Date: Sunday, October 24, 2021
  • Time: 3:00pm4:30pm EDT

It is with great joy that United Parish in Brookline extends to First Church a warm invitation to the Service of Ordination for our Transitional Minister Lexi Boudreaux! First Church called Lexi to this position by a unanimous vote at a Special Congregational Meeting last June, and now is the time to celebrate with Lexi as she becomes an ordained clergyperson in the United Church of Christ. The service will be a hybrid one, so you may choose to attend in-person or online.

To attend online, go to United Parish’s YouTube channel and look for the live broadcast, which will be the first video you see with a red LIVE tag. There will be a link in the description of the video for the bulletin.

If you are attending in person, please plan to join us for a cake reception on the front lawn of United Parish following the worship service.

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