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“Telling Our White Stories” Faith & Life Group
- Date: Monday, March 28, 2022
- Time: 7:00pm–8:30pm EDT
- Location: via Zoom
Leader: Carter West
Living in a racially conditioned world lands us in a lot of ambiguity. White people experience both “being white,” facts of life based on perceptions of skin color, and “whiteness,” our status of privilege resulting from our historic oppression of others. The latter summons us to choose justice, but the former condition just is. Becoming a white anti-racist involves distinguishing between the two, accepting the anxieties and pleasures that come with being part of any race while facing our prejudices and our participation in racist social systems square on. In that way, we can relieve any shame we may harbor over being white, freeing us for an anti-racist life.
This group will be based entirely in experience. We’ll tell our stories as white people engaging race, those involving our racism and those that don’t, giving non-judgmental support. We’ll relate our lives inside structures healthy or toxic, our past and present encounters with BIPOC individuals and cultures, and our hopes for a new day. And we’ll enfold our individual stories in the great story, the gospel of God’s renewal of life and overcoming systems of domination. Group members will keep a guided journal and come prepared to share — but sharing will be voluntary, NOT required. Members will be strongly encouraged to attend all sessions and confidentiality will be strictly observed.
Please contact Carter West for more information.