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Advent 2021: Already Here, Not Yet There…
November 17, 2021
This classic Advent theme seems to fit this year more than most! Indeed, we are stepping into a new season — not only Advent, but also in our mid-pandemic world. We are gathering for hybrid worship. We are already doing more with family and friends than we were a year ago. And yet, nothing feels quite the same as before. We are not yet back to how our lives used to feel. We are able to sing, but with masks. We have returned to school or work in person, but are struggling to find our way. We are worshiping together, but some of us are tuning in from home. We are already here, and not yet there!
In Advent, too, we celebrate that Christ is already here walking alongside us in our journey, and yet, we are waiting for that child who will change everything in the coming weeks. God’s kingdom is already here, and yet, we await the justice, reconciliation and healing that is to come.
Join us this Advent in exploring this feeling of being in between, of feeling as if we have arrived somewhere, but are still waiting for something more: of being already here, but not yet there.