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An Opportunity Before Us
May 27, 2021
Dear Friends,
As we look ahead to the summer and fall, we are invited to discern next steps as we journey further into post-pandemic life, our three-phase staffing plan, and our vision of being an antiracist church.
We have two pieces of exciting information to share: Jaz Buchanan will be returning as our half-time Pastoral Associate in late August, and Lexi Boudreaux has agreed to stay with us for the coming year in a full-time role to support our return to in-person gathering, while also maintaining a robust digital and hybrid ministry and continuing our antiracist explorations and initiatives.
In addition, the Deacons and our Executive Council have discussed the possibility of calling Lexi to a two-year designated term position of Transitional Minister. This is for two reasons. First, Lexi was recently approved for ordination in the UCC. A two-year position with us could become an “ordainable call,” that is, an opportunity for her to move into the next professional level of ministry. She is excited about this possibility. Second, calling Lexi for this designated term could move us closer to our staffing goal of searching for a senior-level minister of color. Since a national search can take more than a year, extending Lexi’s tenure with us would create the space for this exciting process.
The Deacons and Executive Council have affirmed a proposal and process for congregational discernment and input. To learn more, please read the full proposal here. It’s now the congregation’s turn to ask: Do we feel led by the Spirit to call Lexi to this two-year position of Transitional Minister?
A Congregational Forum with time for questions and discussion will be held after worship at 12:15 p.m. on June 13, via Zoom. At this time, we will also be sharing a mid-year financial report and an update on our reopening plans. Please bring your questions, excitement, and concerns. Also, please also save the date for a Special Congregational Meeting on June 27 at 12:15 p.m., via Zoom, as we plan to vote on whether we will call Lexi to a two-year term as Transitional Minister.
We are excited to see where the Spirit is leading us and Lexi next!
Yours in faith,
Julie Pridham, Moderator
Mary Robinson, Vice Moderator
Moana Bentin, Co-Chair of Deacons
Amy Matias, Co-Chair of Deacons
Dan Smith, Senior Minister