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Contribute to the “Lend a Helping Hand” Stewardship Video Project
October 26, 2022
Will you help us thread together a montage of video images for our 2023 Stewardship campaign? Our hope is to use our hands to symbolically “lend” items that represent Jesus’s humble, selfless and sacrificial love to others. What you pass along from one person or family to another is up to you: it could be a monetary donation, some sort of sustenance, clothing, or something else. We will replicate the “Light for the World” video from Christmas Eve 2020, when we passed a candle to each other. This time, you will use a sign of your own creation that says what your hands might lend to a neighbor or stranger.
You can view the full instruction sheet and a demo video to get started. Please submit your videos by uploading them to this folder by November 10 to be included in the project. Any questions or needs for extension of this deadline should be directed to either Joanne Paul or Lexi Boudreaux. Thank you so much for adding to our worship in the season of Stewardship!