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Exterior Renovation Work Begins April 26
April 22, 2021
The second phase of First Church’s master plan three-phase exterior renovation project will start on Monday, April 26. The first phase of the project took place in 2018 and included the exterior restoration of the west and south walls of Margaret Jewett Hall.
The scope of the Phase 2 Exterior Restoration includes:
- Restoration of the South Cloister, facing Mason Street.
- Masonry restoration of the Front Portico, facing Garden Street.
- Restoration of the North Aisle Roof, facing the garden and playground.
The Cambridge Historical Commission has reviewed the design and provided the church a matching grant to contribute to the cost of its implementation. Kaplan Construction, in consultation with Robert Olson and Associates Architects, will be doing the work. Fencing will be put up around the Mason Street work area, and the work area facing the garden and playground. This will ensure the safety of those walking along the Mason Street sidewalk and the pathway to the 11 Garden Street entrance, keeping them far enough away from the work areas. The project is expected to take approximately 8 to 10 weeks.
We are excited to be able to move forward with this next step. Much gratitude goes to Nate Jones and the whole Building & Grounds Committee for their work in bringing this project to fruition.