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New Opportunities to Support Ukraine
June 2, 2022
On May 22, First Church hosted a talk by Michelle Goldhaber, a rabbinical student at Hebrew College who is active in Ukranian peacemaking efforts. She, and First Church member, Rev. Susie Hayward, shared with us a helpful overview of what’s happening now and of the religious and historic roots of Russia’s aggression. Michelle brought a powerful, personal dimension to her reflections and analysis given her years of living in Ukraine and ongoing connections to those living there now. In addition to inviting ongoing support for United Church of Christ efforts in Ukraine, please consider donating to and learning more about two organizations that Michelle has recommended: Razom For Ukraine which has been operating on many fronts providing medical, tactical, and humanitarian aid, assisting with refugees and internally displaced people, helping organize those outside of Ukraine, and Sunflower of Peace, a local, Massachusetts-based effort that has been coordinating medical supply drives and fundraisers.