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Pastoral Care Cards This Summer
June 24, 2024
During the summer months, we invite you to support our Pastoral Care ministry by writing a simple note to First Church members who are on our weekly prayer list. It may be to share congratulations, condolences, or “get well soon” wishes. Look for the “card table” at Coffee Hour each Sunday, where you’ll find the weekly list of pastoral care needs and/or the Sunday bulletin prayer section, blank cards, pens, and a Church Directory with addresses. We also include stamps and return address labels. Please affix to the completed cards and place them in one of the mailboxes on Garden St. as you leave (corner of Garden and Mason or corner of Garden and Berkeley). If you’d like to write cards from home, use the online bulletin and Church Directory found in the “Quick Links” on the Members & Friends page of our website. Many thanks in advance for sharing in this important ministry of outreach and care.
Would you like to join one of our Pastoral Care Teams to write cards, visit members, or deliver meals September through June? Contact Care Team Coordinator Susie Neubauer to learn more: susieneubauer@gmail.com.