Organ pipes in the Sanctuary of First Church in Cambridge. A wrought iron chandelier hangs in the foreground.

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Summer Opportunities for Connection and Learning

June 16, 2021

Summer is upon us, and what a different summer it will be from the last one!  We hope and pray you find extra time…

  • for gathering with friends and family, in-person and in places near or far-away;
  • to be outside, and mask-free, whether in a city park, on a mountaintop, at a campground or at the beach;
  • to keep reading up and/or acting up in ways that make God’s love and justice real;
  • in quiet reflection about what a wild year-plus it has been;
  • to give thanks to God!

Here’s some of what we have in store for this summer at First Church. Please join us for any or all of it!

*Please sign up here if you’d like to be a part of helping us pivot to our in-person and live-streamed reopening service on Regathering Sunday, September 12!